Celestine (Selestite)

We enrich the meaning of quality

HS Code (25309030)


Celestine is an attractive mineral that forms in well-shaped crystals with a distinctive soft blue color. Crystals may be a solid color, but may also have lighter and darker color zones of blue. While pure Celestine is colorless, various impurities give this mineral a wider range of colors, especially its celestial blue color.

Celestine is isomorphous with Barite, and may partially replace it. One specimen may even be part Barite and part Celestite within a single crystal. Celestine is named from the Latin term caelestis, alluding to it typical celestial sky-blue color.



It can be used in electromagnet, fluorescent glass, electronics industry (TV, Tablet and Screens), pyrotechnics (Fireworks), alloys and so forth.

Almost all Celestine is used in the production of strontium carbonate. There are four main uses for Strontium Carbonate. More than 85% of all strontium is consumed in ceramics and glass manufacture, primarily in television faceplate glass and secondarily in ceramic ferrite magnets and other ceramic and glass applications

Sample of SGS report for celestine to export

Size: 10-400 mm

Available in lump and concentrate forms


Jumbo bagbulk in 20’FCL (25-27 Ton Loading) or in bulk vessel

Purity (Grade) SrSo4 (%) : 80%-95%

BaSo4 (%): less than 0.5% , less than 1% , less than 1.5-2%


Why Us:

Romak Trading company, as one of the leading exporters and suppliers of  Dolomite in raw and calcined types, presents high-quality Dolomitic products at a competitive price that is recommended for buying on account of its purity, whiteness, brightness, and high density. Our expert team can provide customers based on different needs and inquiries.

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